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My Safe Florida Home program: Homeowner credits WPTV with finally getting much-needed grant

'I got off the phone and cried, seriously I started crying immediately,' Sue Lowe says
Sue Lowe of West Palm Beach speaks to WPTV reporter Matt Sczesny about the My Safe Florida Home program.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — WPTV senior reporter Matt Sczesny receives emails daily regarding your struggles with the home insurance crisis in Florida, and he reads each one.

Many of you continue to tell WPTV you are waiting on a grant from the My Safe Florida Home program after applying.

WATCH BELOW: 'You had to have intervened': Viewer credits WPTV with help getting grant

Homeowner credits WPTV with helping her finally get My Safe Florida Home grant

Now, after WPTV reached out to state leaders in Tallahassee, we were able to get one grant over the finish line.

We first started chatting and trading emails with Sue Lowe of West Palm Beach a few weeks ago.

After she struggled with the program, she decided to contact WPTV.

"I said well, 'He's digging into things and doing a good job, what's it going to hurt?'" Lowe said. "That's when I called you, it's like where else do you go."

Her new roof was installed in August, costing her about $14,000. She said most of the money was borrowed while she waited on a $10,000 grant from the My Safe Florida Home program.

Legally blind, Lowe needs help just trying to get in touch with someone from Tallahassee, let alone getting an answer. That's until last Friday, which was two days after WPTV contacted the program.

"She said, 'I really have good news for you. We're going to give you the grant based on the fact that you'd have no insurance if you didn't get the new roof,'" Lowe said.

"How did you feel?" Sczesny asked her.

"I got off the phone and cried, seriously I started crying immediately," Lowe said.

However, it still appears the My Safe Florida Home system is backed up with many grant applications still stuck in the "Review" status and final approvals still seem to be slow.

"I thought you had to have intervened because she told me it would take a couple of weeks and here it is two hours later, and she's calling me and telling me different," Lowe said.

WPTV was told there is money committed to grant applications already in the pipeline, but there is a backlog of final approvals. Also, lawmakers next month will likely restore new funding later this year.

Matt Sczesny is determined every day to help you find solutions in Florida's coverage collapse. If you have a question or comment on homeowners insurance, you can reach out to him any time.
Contact Matt Sczesny

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