FORT PIERCE, Fla. — As part of a multi-million dollar effort to boost the marine industry, a company in Fort Pierce is bringing new jobs to the city's port.
SPECIAL COVERAGE: Rebound South Florida
Derecktor Shipyards, which signed a 30-year agreement with St. Lucie County to help transform the port, is hiring entry-level shipyard staff.
"We're redeveloping the Port of Fort Pierce from an aging cargo terminal into a state-of-the-art, megayacht repair and refit facility," said Justin Beard of Derecktor Shipyards.
The company has a mobile boat hoist, which is the biggest in the world at 92 feet.

It is a 1,500-ton machine capable of hauling boats of up to 250 feet out of the water at the Port of Fort Pierce.
"It's an aging workforce, and we're hoping to really put in some young fresh blood, folks who are willing to learn the trades from the master craftsmen and women who've been doing it for years," Beard said.
While the main focus will be on megayacht repair, the first vessel already getting work done is a 187-foot Bahamian Naval ship.

"I believe it needs some pumps put in, maybe some shaft work," Beard said.
Derecktor is holding a job fair Friday and Saturday for those who are interested in working for the company.
They hope to hire at least 15 people and bring on another 100 or so in the future.
"We're looking for folks for our haul and launch crew. We're going to need a crew of bottom painters, and then we also need a crew of general yard workers who can help operate machinery and support the operations side of our business," Beard said.
The job fair takes place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at 101 Port Ave. in Fort Pierce.
Attendees should provide an up-to-date resume complete with at least three references.