PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — Monday's weather was a great day to get outside but as more people move to our area, cities are being challenged to give residents more places to enjoy the outdoors.
WPTV is sorting through new park designs in Port St. Lucie, and asking city leaders how they're balancing parks with the growing population.
WATCH BELOW: Port St. Lucie parks growing with surging population
When Jean Reichman moved to Riverland in Port St. Lucie a few years ago, it was pretty isolated.
"It was like being in a bivouac," Reichman said. "They're going to drop you in a field and now you're going to sleep here tonight."
But now there are a lot of amenities nearby including a dog park as part of the new Riverland Paseo Park.
"I think it's really good," Reichman said. "I can't wait to see kids playing football and soccer."
This week, the city council will get a look at new designs for two regional parks. One is located in the Torino area and the other in Tradition, which broke ground last summer and will have a BMX track designed for all riders, including those will mobility challenges.
"They're designed to be inclusive of a lot of different aspects of recreation that people have asked for for years," Port St. Lucie city spokesman Scott Samples said.
Last summer, the city opened the Port district along the St. Lucie River, which has been a big hit with residents.
On the east side of the city at Whispering Pines on Monday, Matt Picarelli was getting in his steps while extolling the importance of parks with the city's rapid growth.
"(With) everyone being in traffic and everyone getting a little angry, it's nice to come to one of these nature parks to hang out and chill," Picarelli said.
The newest amenity at Whispering Pines opening Wednesday is Skate City, the revitalization of an old skate park that had been dormant since 2010.
One thing that has helped in the park development has been the public/private partnerships between the city and developers.
Riverland Paseo was built with GL Homes. Tradition Regional Park and the new Stars and Stripes Park under construction are being done with Mattamy Homes.
"A lot of the growth that you're seeing, parks and recreation is being factored into that," Samples said.
The first phase of Tradition Regional Park should be open by the end of the year.