ST. LUCIE COUNTY, Fla. — A young child on the Treasure Coast was recognized Wednesday afternoon for her quick thinking and awareness, which saved her grandmother twice in the same month.
If not for the child's actions on Sept. 12 and then again, on Sept. 23, the outcomes could have been very different, according to the St. Lucie County Fire District.
Ma'Zari Eaddy, 5, of Fort Pierce was able to call 911 and give just enough information to assist operators with getting help for her "Nana."
The first incident occurred on Sept. 12 when the child's grandmother, Denise Oliver, was babysitting and suffered a cardiac event, officials said.
Ma’Zari Eaddy, 5, given Citizen Hero Award for calling 9-1-1 *twice* in 11 days to get help for her Grandma. Great story coming up on @WPTV @StLucieFireDist
— Jon Shainman (@JonShainman) November 17, 2021
Ma'Zari was able to call 911 and give enough information to assist the telecommunicator in getting help to her grandmother.
Then again, on Sept. 23, officials said Ma'Zari found herself in a similar situation, calling 911 and reaching a different telecommunicator.
The time the operator coaxed Ma'Zari for more details.
By chance, the telecommunicator from Sept. 12 was nearby, realizing this was the same little girl she had spoken with less than two weeks earlier.
"She was able to make sure the door was unlocked. She got plenty of information. She was very calm and she might have saved her grandma's life that day," said 911 dispatcher Victoria Doughty.

"Yet again, due to the heroic efforts of this 5-year old little girl, her Nana made it through another life-threatening situation," officials said in a written statement.
Ma'Zari was recognized with the Citizen Hero Award at the beginning of the fireboard meeting at the St. Lucie County Fire District Administration offices in Port St. Lucie.
"It was crazy, but I'm so proud of her," said Ma'Zari's mother Mercedes Bens.

The child's mother said Ma'Zari has always been fascinated with emergency shows and calling 911, something she used to do frequently as a toddler.
"The police would come to the house and say, "Who was dialing 911?' And we would say, 'She is.' And they would just laugh and say 'Take the phone from her,'" Bens said.
In Ma'Zari’s home, there is a poster of Psalm 91, Verse 11 that says, "For he will order his angels to protect you.”
Ma’Zari's grandmother said that is the truth.
"She’s wonderful, amazing. My angel," Oliver said.