DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — Beaches finally opened Monday in southern Palm Beach County after being closed for two months, much to the delight of South Florida residents.
Delray Beach has decided to limit beach use to walking, jogging and swimming. People at the beach are not allowed to sunbathe, surf or bring a chair. Also, beach bathrooms remain closed.
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The city said on their website the restrictions are in place to prevent "large crowds arriving from communities to the south, putting significant pressure the city’s resources."
Beaches in Broward and Miami-Dade counties remain closed until May 26.

So, how are these restrictions being enforced in Delray Beach?
Delray Beach public information officer Ted White said people have been following the rules for the past two days.
Officers have asked some people who were laying out on towels to keep moving.
“It can be frustrating a lot, and we can understand that, but people need to follow the rules for now,” said White. "For the most part, people have been doing a very good job."
Police are helping enforce the regulations at the beach so the lifeguards can focus on watching the water.
Ocean Rescue is present, but they are monitoring the water to ensure swimmers are staying safe, not enforcing the restrictions.
White said their focus is on compliance over enforcement.
“Hopefully these restrictions won’t be in place for a long time, and people can come back to the beach and enjoy it like they normally do,” said White.
Delray Beach police say they are mindful it is a holiday this weekend and they are still asking people to comply with the city’s restrictions.
Watch Miranda Christian's full report Tuesday on NewsChannel 5 at 4 and 5:30.