WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — New problems seem to be surfacing for some people trying to access their 2020 tax forms off Florida's unemployment website.
Ashley Rodriguez tried to download her 1099-G statement on the Department of Economic Opportunity's CONNECT website for nearly a month.
RELATED: Users report problems accessing 1099-G form
"If you click on it, nothing actually opens up. The pop-up blocker doesn't come up. Nothing happens, whatsoever," Rodriguez said.
The 1099-G form is essential for people who received unemployment benefits in 2020 to do their taxes. It's now becoming the new big problem on a website that has been troubling for many people since last year.

"Other problems came up where people don't have that link. It's not there at all. I've tried every way to crack that one, and I haven’t figured it out yet," Rodriguez said.
Amit Knightly, who has helped people overcome issues with the state's website, said he is hearing from more people about problems getting the 1099-G.
"Other problems came up where people don't have that link, like it’s not there at all. I've tried every way to crack that one, and I haven't figured it out yet,” Knightly said.
Florida State Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, is proposing changes to improve the system and said finding the form is an issue.
"Now we have folks where the amount is incorrect. Their amount showing up on the form is more than they received or less than they received on unemployment, which impacts how much they pay in taxes," Eskamani said. "We do have Floridians that don’t ever see the option to download the 1099G form from CONNECT dashboard."

The DEO does offer a help page on their website with amendment forms to change amounts and suggests upgrading the Adobe Acrobat Reader and disabling pop-up blockers and firewalls to get the 1099-G form.
Rodriguez said she finally got her form by using her cellphone.
"I said, 'There has got to be another way,' and I said, 'What's the worst-case scenario? Let's try my cellphone,' and I did and thank goodness you know here it was. It worked miraculously but not from the actual computer," Rodriguez said.
She said she lost her job last March and difficulty with the DEO website forced her to wait four months to receive any benefits in 2020.