NewsPalm Beach County


Students start petition for safer roads following deadly crash in Lake Worth

Two eighth graders were struck by a semi-truck just yards from their school last Thursday
and last updated

LAKE WORTH, Fla. — A petition for change is now making the rounds in Lake Worth. Students are taking action after two eighth graders were struck by a semi-truck just yards from their school, killing one and seriously injuring another.

“Any petition for any kind of safety for our children, I’d 100% be on board about,” stated parent Alecia Godnick.

Students start petition for safer roads following deadly crash in Lake Worth

On Monday, students and parents dropped off flowers, balloons and other items for the 13-year-old who died.

“There’s two schools right here. Back-to-back. I have two children, and I couldn’t imagine,” shared Godnick.

Godnick is a parent who felt called to pay her respects at the site. She commutes through Lyons Road and says she often sees distracted drivers.

Godnick and her daughter dropped off balloons at the memorial site.

“People need to crack down on the texting and driving 100%. I see it so much around here,” shared Godnick.

Meanwhile, Robert Lee lives across from the schools and sees the dangers first-hand.

“Unfortunately, there’s not much police presence out here,” stated Lee. “I’d like to see more law enforcement. Maybe they should put a speed zone in front of the high school”

He and many others who signed the petition are calling for semis to be prohibited from driving through school zones.

Lee says he witnesses reckless drivers near his home.

“I don’t think it’s a safe place to make sure kids and semis rolling through and that proved out here the other day unfortunately,” said Lee.

The petition has more than 1,200 signatures. A parent told WPTV they are planning a celebration of life to honor the 13-year-old killed last week.

Link to the petition: