PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — WPTV on Wednesday spoke to a Port St. Lucie police officer who's grateful to be alive after he was struck by a car while directing traffic.
Officer Richard Mazzio's message is a reminder to all drivers to slow down when first responders are doing their jobs.
"I remember the night, I remember directing traffic," Mazzio said.
Mazzio's body camera last Tuesday showed him working off Southbound Boulevard. But one crash would lead to another.
"All of a sudden, I’m waking up to other officers assisting me in the swale," Mazzio said.
While Mazzio’s camera does not show the impact, body camera video from a second officer on scene showed him and others running toward the injured officer.
"It blindsided me. I hit the car, went over the hood. I cracked the windshield," Mazzio said.
Mazzio has been an officer for 20 years, here and in Virginia. He’s grateful for others who came to him at his moment of need.
"The citizens of Port St. Lucie have been great to police and they’ve posted a lot of great comments and the department has been 100% supportive," Mazzio said.
Officers often find themselves in close calls, like a Port St. Lucie officer back in May barely avoiding a suspected drunk driver that took out a patrol car's side mirror.
These incidents have Mazzio with a simple reminder for drivers.
"You see lights, sirens, constructions workers, please slow down. Stay of your cell phones, stay off anything. Stay alert," Mazzio said.
While he has a long road back, it’s clear Mazzio hasn’t lost his sense of humor when describing his shirt.
"It says, 'Don't Tread On Me.' Tires have a lot of tread and I guess that’s what it stands for. Don’t tread on me," Mazzio said.
Port St. Lucie police said the incident involving Mazzio is still under investigation and no arrests have been made.