FORT PIERCE, Fla. — Customers of Fort Pierce Utility Authority may start seeing some relief soon.
The company is suspending all service disconnections for non-payment starting Aug. 1 and will waive any late fees assessed after Aug. 1 to provide aid to residents with high utility bills.
Reconnections will also begin Thursday for customers who were disconnected between Aug. 1 and Aug. 4, and any fees assessed will be credited to the account, the company says.
These measures come after FPUA customers noticed an increase in their utility bills from a rate hike last month.
WATCH: Fort Pierce residents, business owners shocked by electric bill hike
FPUA says customers should do their best to stay current with their bills, as payments will be deferred, not waived. The grace period will apply to any customer, residential or business, who needs additional time to pay their bill.
For tips on how to conserve energy, click here.
For special payment arrangements or budget billing, customers can call FPUA at 772-466-1600, ext. 3900.
FPUA has also partnered with Mustard Seed Ministries to offer financial assistanceof up to $150. To schedule an appointment, call 772-465-6021.