

Fort Pierce police use MRAPS to help people in flooded areas

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Fort Pierce police brought out military-style vehicles to pick up residents in flooded areas. Police drove its MRAPS into deep water at Sabal Chase Apartments to get residents to dry ground.
"This morning it was waist-deep when I walked out," said Joseph Hardee.
People living at the apartments said parking lots started to flood Saturday night, by Sunday water was rushing into their apartments. 
"The floors are soaked, the water came in from everywhere. It didn't just come from the doors or the sliding glass doors, it was literally seeping from the walls," said Cynthia Miller. 
The water receded pretty quickly, but still too high and too dangerous to walk or drive through. 
"People were walking out here trying to drive away. Their cars were getting stuck, that's why we had to start giving them a ride back and forth in these MRAP vehicles," said Ed Cunningham, Public Information Officer for the Fort Pierce Police Department. "It's hard to know what under the water, there may be debris as well as wildlife. Officers have seen snakes and some residents told them they saw alligators." 
Several roads in St. Lucie County are blocked. Water is reaching well above the first floor of some homes on South 25 Street at Bell Avenue. One homeowner is using a canoe to get to his car from his house. 
The MRAP vehicles are proving to be a necessity in situations like these and locals are grateful for them.
"I'm just so happy to be able to be picked up and get to work," said Melissa Bucek who also lives at Sabal Chase Apartments.