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LGBTQ Pride intersections opening in Boynton Beach, Delray Beach

Crews paint a new LGBTQ Pride crosswalk in Delray Beach on June 4, 2021.jpg
and last updated

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Two new Pride intersections are opening next week in southern Palm Beach County.

Crews are painting the LGBTQ crosswalks now in Boynton Beach and Delray Beach.

With leaves out of the way and the lining in place, crews on Friday started to work on painting the 11 colors that will make up the new LGBTQ Pride crosswalks.

"It is very exciting," said Rand Hoch with the Human Rights Council.

Hoch is one of the ringleaders behind the paintings. He said he saw something similar in another city and wanted to bring it here.

"I can't take full credit, but I am happy to take some," Hoch said.

Hoch said both Boynton Beach and Delray Beach didn’t hesitate to give the green light on these crosswalks and added that Commissioner Ty Penserga and Ryan Boylston helped make this happen.

"It has been this incredibly coloration of people working together," said Nicholas Cappola.

Cappola lives in Delray Beach and helped fight for this install.

"Every color in the intersection is representative of Delray Beach," Cappola said.

Having it ready during Pride Month is timely.

Rand said the crosswalks are a simple piece of art that can help someone feel like they belong

"As people come with their kids, and their kids will say, what is the importance? They can then explain to them," Hoch said.

The city of Boynton Beach will have ribbon cutting on Monday for their crosswalk, and Delray Beach will present theirs next weekend.