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No plans for spring break curfew in Palm Beach County, officials say

County, city leaders don't believe restrictions necessary
Dozens of people enjoy Delray Beach on Feb. 25, 2021.jpg
and last updated

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — Spring break is just a few weeks away, and South Florida will be a destination for thousands of northerners looking to escape the cold.

"We are ecstatic," Jamie Hess said.

Hess said he's ready for spring break to bring in business to his store in Delray Beach.

"It has been a slower start to the season than what we anticipated, and I think March will be our month," Hess said.

The pending crowds have county and city leaders preparing to keep people safe over the next few weeks.

"I think after last year we have some experience under out belt," Palm Beach County Vice Mayor Robert Weinroth said.

Weinroth said no curfew or changes have been discussed in Palm Beach County.

Last year, the beaches became a controversial topic around spring break time. Weinroth said the county and cities have learned how to keep them open and keep people safe.

"I would rather see people outside in the sun, enjoying the fresh air instead of in their homes and couped up," Weinroth said.

"We don't foresee any changes needed at this time concerning spring break," Boca Raton Mayor Scott Singer said.

Singer said they will keep an eye on any changes Broward County makes and said this year's spring break will be a relief to many of the city's businesses that need the tourism.

"Luckily our hotels, businesses and residents have all been responsible," Singer said.

Hess agrees with Singer, adding there is a way for spring break to be successful and safe in Palm Beach County.

"Everything I am seeing is indicating people are taking is seriously and they are socially distancing and masking up," Hess said.

Delray Beach's mayor said they haven't discussed anything for spring break yet, but they do have a meeting next week where the conversation may come up.