At least 25 cars burglarized in the last 10 days in Delray Beach. Police say the break-ins at the Tri-Rail station are the most recent.
"Of course I'm going to be more aware," said Mirca Balealu who uses the Tri-Rail ever other week.
Balealu is not surprised the Tri-Rail lot became a target for car break-ins Sunday night.
"I don't see no reason for the people to leave their cars overnight here," said Balealu.
Delray Beach Police say the most common car burglaries they are seeing don't involved forced entry. Burglars are finding easier access through unlocked cars.
"They see the cars and they just go try the doors and go into unlocked cars and take whatever they can get," said Dani Moschella, spokesperson for the Delray Beach Police Department.
Moschella says burglars are targeting parking lots, neighborhoods, even driveways. Burglars ransacked Julie Heffernan's car last week and stole about 20 bucks. She forgot to lock her doors.
"It was a good reminder I need to do that, so I won't forget anymore," said Heffernan.
Delray Beach Police say drivers are also making one common mistake that's leading to more ar thefts. They are forgetting their keyless remotes inside of the car.
"It really is convenient, but it can be easily forgotten," said Sandra Febres, who had her car stolen on May 18th.
Febres' neighbor caught surveillance video of a burglar going car to car before Febre's 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee was stolen right from her driveway in the Shadywoods neighborhood. Her car was recovered hours later.
"We are closing the car like 10 times before we go to bed, we are definitely checking on that," added Febres.
Delray Beach Police remind people to lock their car doors and remove any visible items. Officers are increasing patrols due to the amount of car burglaries.
Last week six cars at the Boynton Beach Tri-Rail station were also broken into. Boynton Beach Police have increased patrols. West Palm Beach's Tri-Rail station has also had break-ins recently.