

Armless teen receives best holiday gift; prosthetic drumsticks made by UF students

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Jamarion Styles has no arms, but is a rising star on the drums. Now, thanks to a group of students at the University of Florida, Styles can perfect his skills with prosthetic arms. 
Styles is not the type of teen who gives up easily. 
"I came in here, I played the drums and I didn't know how to play and I started teaching myself, and I learned," said Styles. 
Both of Styles' arms were amputated at a young age due to a rare bacteria. He brought his ambition to the Milagro Center in Delray Beach and lucky for him, Corey Jones was volunteering to teach kids how to play the drums. 
"He taught me like some different jump styles," said Styles. "I felt happy." 
The Milagro Center gave Styles the opportunity to play the drums and because of a partnership with the University of Florida's Generational Relief in Prosthetics (GRIP) program, Styles is about to perfect his skills.
"Using these adjustable screws here on both sides to position the drumstick," said Myles Marcus, head of mechanical design for GRIP. 
Marcus spent all of his free time between classes working on the prosthetics for Styles. 
"It was a very beneficial to me to be able to help someone else through music and through a prosthetic device like this," said Marcus. 
What made the gift even more special was that Corey Jones' father and brother came to the Milagro Center to support Styles. Clinton Jones says his son would have done the same if he was still alive. 
"It's exciting to know that my son's legacy is still living," said Jones. 
Styles is still getting used to the prosthetic drumsticks and the arms. The UF engineering students have to make some small adjustments. 
The Milagro Center is a non-profit organization that provides community mentoring and academic support to teenagers in Delray Beach.