JUNO BEACH, Fla. — Business is noticeably slower than usual for restaurants on the east side of the Donald Ross Road bridge in Juno Beach.
"It's affected business a bit," Gina Mobilian, a manager at the Juno Beach Cafe, said. "Servers are a little frustrated that they are being sent home early because of a lack of business, so yeah, it's more of an annoyance."
She knew the work on the bridge would impact business, but now her focus is on why it isn't back open.

"We were told until the 27th [of April]," mentioned Mobilian. "The 27th came, and then we got a notice that said the Donald Ross [Road] bridge is going to be closed until further notice."
Signage in front of the bridge on Tuesday also still had a reopening date of April 27.
Palm Beach County sent a news release saying safety issues prevented eastbound traffic from reopening.

Juno Beach
Donald Ross Road reopening of eastbound traffic at Bascule Bridge delayed
In the release, county representatives stated that Engineering and Public Works staff looked into maintaining two-way traffic on half the bridge but found there wasn't enough transition space.
Among those who had questions was Thirsty Turtle Manager Daniel Lewis.
"Usually the businesses in this area, they don't really slow down until after Mother's Day," Lewis said. "My concern is why didn't they wait till June, July, August to do this work? It's upsetting all the locals plus upsetting the business owners."

WPTV sought an explanation from county officials regarding the delay.
In response, staff members said the work began sooner rather than later because, according to them, tourist season is over. Also, they said the bridge is currently operating inefficiently, there are more stable weather conditions in April compared to summer and an early start offered greater flexibility in the project timeline.
Mobilian said she understands safety is a priority.
"It's a little frustrating, but again we have to adjust improvise, adapt and overcome," Mobilian said.
Officials said there is no specific date yet for eastbound lanes to reopen to traffic, but work on westbound lanes of the bridge is expected to begin May 9.