WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The Sunshine State is living up to its name as the heat index reached above 100 degrees Thursday. But there are some that are using the weather to their advantage.
"It's usually raining at this point or it's 95 degrees after 6 o'clock," said John Hornberger who went out to eat after taking shelter from the heat.
John and his wife Melissa planned a date night to get out of the house as the temperatures cooled once the sun went down.
"I said I want to sit outside if we're going out and Lynoras is fantastic," said Melissa Hornberger "I'm here for a cocktail a good meal and a nice night out."
Lynora's sits on the east end of Clematis Street in West Palm Beach where staff is using the heat to their benefit.
"I think you'd say you can beat the heat here and cool off with a nice beverage too with happy hour. I think it's one you can't beat," said Brady Preston, the general manager at Lynora's in West Palm Beach.
Lynora's has a completely retractable entranceway, depending on the heat. And during the pandemic, it was able to expand its outdoor dining.
"I would say it slows down the outdoor dining just cause the heat for the daytime, as far as the nighttime goes, it's patio, patio, patio," said Preston.
Down the road on Thursdays is Clematis By Night where international travelers are celebrating the heat while enjoying the entertainment.
"For me personally at first it was too hot but it's actually perfect. It's freezing in England all the time. Even summer. So this is lovely," said Jasmine Grimshaw who is visiting from England.
She's visiting her cousin Fitz Foster and his wife Lorna who live in Florida as they appreciate one of the finer nights the Sunshine State has to offer.
"Right now it's perfect, earlier it was hot. But thank God it's not raining; it's been raining here a lot, so we'll take this," said Fits and Lorna Foster.