A local mayor says she is clear of a state agency's investigation into possible election code violations.
On Monday, we told you about the 12 counts involving campaign finances alleged against Wellington Mayor Anne Gerwig, when she was running for reelection of council seat three years ago.
It's the 4th unsuccessful complaint filed by the same voter against Gerwig.
"I don't mind public scrutiny but at this point it does feel like harassment," Gerwig says.
Voter Bart Novack filed the complaint with the Florida Elections Commission at the end of 2015. An FEC investigator followed up and created an eight-page document, outlining 12 violations of Florida's election code. It alleged errors in reporting donation amounts and donors when Gerwig was running for reelection of a council seat. Wednesday in Tallahassee, commissioners dropped all the charges.
"(Novack) was trying to go back after things that had been amended and corrected and they recognized that and that was part of the conversation," Gerwig says. "His argument was just invalid."
Novack has a history of unfounded claims. It's the 4th against Gerwig. In 2014 he filed an ethics complaint against former mayor Darell Bowen, which was also dismissed.
Gerwig was supposed to be sworn in Wednesday as the Vice President of the League of Cities in Palm Beach county.
"I hated to miss that. But I didn't have any choice. I had to go up and fight for this and get it cleared up," Gerwig says.
Novack said he would talk to NewsChannel 5 on camera about this latest dismissal, but only once the FEC releases the minutes of Wednesday's meeting.
Her salary as mayor is $842.