A standoff between a federal agency and a technology giant sparks protests throughout the country. Apple users rallied Tuesday to support apple's right to protect privacy.
The FBI is trying to guess the four digit passcode on the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooting suspects.
"From the FBI’s perspective, it’s very very critical to at least exhaust any possible information that may be contained within this phone," said Stuart Kaplan, former FBI agent.
The agency wants Apple to create a way to get into the phone, but the technology giant as well as many of its users say 'no way.'
"I think that they should stand their ground." said Jim Goldberg.
"I think it's a huge privacy issue. We have enough problems with computer hackers," said Silke Kostbahn of West Palm Beach.
David Parizek with www.Infostream.cc says Apple has built trust with it's millions of customers and getting into this phone could create serious consequences.
"The danger is that somebody else would get a hold of that software and have access to anybody’s phone any time they want," said Parizek.
But others say when it comes to national security, big brother should have full access.
"Under special circumstances probably it wouldn’t be a bad idea," said Alicia Henderson.
Some standing on the side of privacy say, let the FBI figure it out.
"It's not Apple’s job, it’s their job to get in there," said Samantha Pietrafesa.
Kaplan says just like this case, it's not that simple.
"Usually the private sector is many many years down the road from where the government is in present day with the respect to to the development of technology," added Kaplan.
A Pew research study conducted this weekend show 51 percent of people surveyed say apple should unlock the phone, 38 percent think Apple shouldn't, and the rest didn't have an opinion.