NewsPoliticsTo the Point


What were the hits and misses of Florida's legislative session?


Segment 1:

State Rep. Toby Overdorf explains how Florida's new social media bill with help protect young children from sites like Facebook and Instagram. Also, Overdorf discusses the need to continue legislation to prevent harmful discharges from Lake Okeechobee.

Rep. Toby Overdorf explains hits and misses of legislative session

Segment 2:

Political analyst Brian Crowley discusses what the Florida Legislature did and did not accomplish in this year's legislative session. Also, Crowley shares his thoughts on the latest on the presidential election and the upcoming Florida primary.

Florida legislative session wraps up with little help for homeowners struggling with insurance

Segment 3:

Crowley urges Congress to end daylight saving time.

Brian Crowley urges Congress to end daylight saving time

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