PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Millions of men and women are looking into their options after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
"It's a weird time for a lot of people," Kyle Barnikel, 24, of Loxahatchee, said. "It's a scary time for a lot of people and my heart goes out to people across the country freaking out about this right now."
Barnikel is considering a vasectomy.
"With the vasectomy thing, it was something I thought about doing down the road once I had kids and stuff," he said. "And now, with Roe v. Wade being overturned, it's a lot more on my mind, just to be safe."

Barnikel said after the high court's decision, it should create conversations for both women and men.
"As a responsible guy in your 20s, it's something that you should be thinking about, just in case," he said. "No one wants a kid accidentally, obviously. You don't want to ruin some poor girl's life."
In Palm Beach Gardens, staff with the Urologic Physicians & Surgeons, a part of Urology Group of Florida, said they've seen a 50% increase of men asking about vasectomies.
"Yeah, it's definitely been an uptick," Dr. Patrick Tenbrink said.
Staff said they don't do more than two vasectomies a day and, while it is a short 15-minute procedure and a safe form of medical sterilization, it may not be the best option for everybody.
"When I counsel my patients, I tell them that I don't think you should think of this as reversible," Dr. Murray Goldberg said. "There's plenty of other forms of birth control that you should try if you're not sure."

The doctor said vasectomies are 90% reversible but fertility rates can drop 50%.
"I do turn away patients that come in and talk about vasectomies," Tenbrink said. "I really want to make sure that they think about it, that I say, 'Look, I really understand where you're coming from, but think about it, see me again in three months or six months and if you're still there, we'll still talk.'"
Doctors said if anyone is considering having a vasectomy, their doors are always open, but it's best to have a consultation beforehand.