For all you picky eaters out there, good job holding your ground. Your life-long commitment to your cause may just lead to a successful career as you continue to cultivate these 11 characteristics that are desirable to potential employers.
1. Meticulous
Picky eaters create multi-layer plans to ensure satisfaction with every meal. For instance, plan A may be to order a Cobb salad with no tomato, but after realizing this entree comes with hard-boiled egg, they move to plan B. When plan B arrives with mushrooms, it’s time to implement plan C and simplify by ordering something basic. Perhaps some grilled chicken and white rice.

2. Excellent Communicator
When asked if they have any preferences for dinner, our friendly picky eater will be able to give a clear and thorough list of all of their likes and dislikes. If you are hosting, make sure to take notes.

3. Passionate
You will see this passion come to its fruition when you say to a picky eater, “Just try it, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Hopefully this question does not result in any physical violence, but I have seen it result in tears from a grown woman, so please consider the costs when pushing this issue.

4. Thorough
A sandwich has arrived with some sort of mysterious sauce on the bun and shredded lettuce has been placed on top. No matter how hungry said eater is, consumption will not begin until each piece of lettuce has been carefully removed and the bun has been thoroughly scraped free of special sauce.

5. Dedicated
When out to eat, a picky eater will show their dedication by asking numerous questions to get to the bottom of what every ingredient is in each specific dish they are considering ordering.

6. Detail Oriented
Let’s say a plate of fried rice is put in front of the picky eater and they notice that in that rice are tiny chunks of carrots. Is the picky eater simply going to pick up their fork and start eating? Never. Instead, they will first pick each and every carrot out prior to enjoying their meal.

7. Researcher
Before agreeing to go out with friends, the picky eater investigates the menu to guarantee that there is something available to suit their tastes.

8. Strong Work Ethic
A plate is placed in front of the picky eater with a protein, a carb and a vegetable. Immediately the work of a picky eater begins. Each item has to be separated into its own little mountain, ensuring that none of the items on the plate are touching. The work continues throughout the meal as they take each bite without breaking through any of the aforementioned boundaries.

9. Problem Solving
While at the home of a friend or family member for dinner, the picky eater is asked the dreaded question, “So what do you think?” This is when the picky eater becomes a spin artist.

10. Uses Discretion
This is of the utmost importance when eating at someone else’s home. There are a couple strategies that picky eaters may be forced to implement. One would be to spread the food around the plate so that it looks like more has been eaten. Another would be to fold the paper plate in half before placing it in the garbage. This way all evidence has been disposed of.

11. Dependable
The picky eater can always be counted on to order the most boring meal on the menu—and order it consistently. “I’ll take the grilled chicken and white rice please,” for the fifth time this week.

[h/t: BuzzFeed]
This story originally appeared on Simplemost. Checkout Simplemost for other great tips and ideas to make the most out of life.