

7 famous swimming pigs in the Bahamas found dead, reportedly given beer & rum by tourists

Posted at 5:11 AM, Feb 28, 2017
and last updated 2019-03-26 16:22:16-04

Several of The Bahamas' famous swimming pigs have died after the animals were reportedly fed by tourists. The pigs are an international sensation on the shores of the Exuma Cays.

The Bahamian government has prohibited the feeding of the pigs after seven of them were found dead.

One of the pig's owner, Wayde Nixon told the Nassau Guardian, "The pigs were given the wrong food."

Nixon said about 15 of the pigs are still alive.

He said a vet with the government examined the pigs that died thoroughly.

Nixon told the newspaper the pigs have been on the beach for almost 30 years and nothing like this had ever happened before.

The pigs were reportedly given beer and rum by tourists. Bahamian government officials have not confirmed the cause of death.

Nixon told the Nassau Guardian that he and his partner are working with the government to regulate the feeding of the swimming pigs.

WTVJ-TV in Miami reached out to the Department of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources for comment, but they have not yet responded to our request.

Courtesy of our news partner at NBC Miami