

Lost sea turtle rescued


(WFLA, NBC NEWSCHANNEL) A dramatic turtle rescue was caught on camera recently in Englewood Beach, Florida.

The video shows a nesting loggerhead sea turtle, who was lost far from the water. Volunteers teamed up to get her home.

The turtle had meandered between chairs and trees at the WannaB Inn. She then wandered down a sidewalk, entered and exited an alley, walked across a parking lot and ended at a building.

"She was just ultimately exhausted from the long crawl that she had done," Barb Tapp with the Coastal Wildlife Club said. "When I first walked up she wasn't moving and that concerned me, but then she raised her head a bit, and I thought, 'At least she's alive.'"

Seven people, including turtle rescuers and hotel guests, took a large tarp and led the turtle onto it.

After the group of volunteers let her go, it was mission accomplished.

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