

Chaos erupts in a Florida court after guilty verdicts for murder are announced

Posted at 12:41 PM, May 14, 2018
and last updated 2018-05-14 13:01:53-04

MARION COUNTY, Fla. -- Right after guilty verdicts for murder there was disorder in a Marion County courtroom.

A defendant wearing a black shirt -- Travis Davis -- smacked his attorney.

"They got emotional. They got upset. They started flailing away, and I just happen to be in the way," said defense attorney Daniel Hernandez.

As he's restrained, a man in a blue shirt then starts throwing punches -- and is tackled to the ground. Then Davis started throwing more punches.

"I kinda got hit from the back which is good, 'cause if I got hit from the front I probably would have a broken nose or a broken jaw," Hernandez said.

Extra deputies were in court because of worries about violence; they quickly got things under control.

"... and the bailiffs were trying to get control of the courtroom as fast as possible and order was restored," Hernandez said.

The men were sentenced to life after the home invasion/ murder of Courtney London of Ocala.

He was gunned down in his own home right in front of his children.

London's children ran to friend Diane Williams's house.

"...and they showing how they really are with an attack on the courtroom, that's ridiculous," she said.

As for defense attorney Hernandez: "I got a few hits to the head and few scratches and stuff but I'm okay."

His client, Travis Davis apologized in front of the judge.