

Fort Pierce teens set to perform stage play on human sex trafficking at Sunrise Theater

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34 - that's the number of children the Human Trafficking Coalition of the Treasure Coast says became victims in 2016. 

This year, that number is 22 children...and counting. 

Now a group of local teenagers is using the stage to shine a spotlight on this serious issue. 

“This could happen to anybody,” says 17-year-old Victoria Whitty. “Even me. It was kinda scary.”

The drama of human sex trafficking is playing out on the Sunrise Theater stage in Ft. Pierce. 

Sonia DuPree, executive director of the non profit group END IT!, says despite the theatrics, the issue is very real. 

“The people out there praying ok our kids are not waiting,” she says. “So we have to address this now.”

For the better part of a year she's guided a group of 25 local teens, perfecting an original play she wrote called ‘Daddy' - about a teen lured into the world of trafficking. 

It’s mature subject for sure, but one she says is important for teens to be exposed to. 

“We don't present it in a way that is vulgar or offensive or anything like that,

The play provides a dual purpose - while the audience learns from watching the dramatization, the teens say they gained a lot from producing it. 

As they prepare to share those lessons on the big stage - their message to the community is to stay vigilant. 

The message they hope finds its way to the victims - stay strong. 

“You don't have to hide there anymore,” Victoria says. “That's not who you are. You are created to be beautiful and special.”