

Fort Pierce man busted for child porn

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A man whom investigators say has admitted to downloading child porn for years has been arrested by the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office.

Detectives and members of the South Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force took 61-year-old Barry Winn into custody Wednesday at his Fort Pierce home in the 1700 block of Arizona Avenue.

Investigators say Winn told them he used to be in the computer business and that found a computer software program enabling him to download images and videos of children engaged in sexual acts with adults or other children.

They also said he admitted that detectives would find a large amount of child porn on his computers, including some which he had not even seen.

Detectives said they found child pornography on some of the computers and impounded them for a more thorough examination.   

Winn currently faces ten counts of possession of child pornography and five counts of distribution of child pornography.