The story of Dalia Dippolito, the Boynton Beach woman who conspired with a hit man to arrange to kill her husband, is now the subject a book titled "Poison Candy: The Murderous Madam: Inside Dalia Dippolito's Plot to Kill."
The authors of the book are Elizabeth Parker, the lead prosecutor in the Dalia Dippolito trial and Mark Ebner an award-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author.
In August 2009, Dippolito thought she was hiring a hitman to kill her husband. Instead, the hitman was really a Boynton Beach police officer and it was all a sting operation.
Dippolito, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of a murder-for-hire plot.
She currently out of jail on house arrest pending an appeal.
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In April Miami-base attorney Michael Grieco said he most likely would file for a new trial based on allegations that there was a "conflict of interest" in the legal representation of Dippolito. That was expected to happen after Dippolito's current appeal play out in district court.