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Jury continues deliberations in case of Sgt. Philip Antico

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The fate of a Boynton Beach police sergeant is now in the hands of 12 jurors. Sgt. Philip Antico is accused of falsifying records and obstruction of justice. He faces those charges in connection with a 2014 beating caught on camera by a PBSO helicopter.

Antico is accused of allowing his officers to change their reports once they realized the video existed. He’s also accused of lying to the FBI about it.

After more than 5 hours of deliberations, the jury handed back a note saying they reached a verdict on two of the counts, but still cants agree on the third. We still don’t know which counts and what those verdict are.

The judge decided to send the jury home for the night. They will come back tomorrow Friday morning to try and reach an agreement on that final charge.