BOCA RATON, Fla. — More than five million kids across the country help a sick family member on a daily basis.
A Boca Raton organization that takes youth caregivers under its wing is hoping a special recognition on Tuesday will help raise awareness about its mission and these children.
The American Association of Caregiving Youth, also known as AACY, has a program which helps teens cope as youth caregivers, even while they’re in school and participating in sports.
A proclamation will be issued in the Palm Beach County Commission meeting on Tuesday.

17-year-old Ella Chisholm is a youth caregiver. She helps take care of her younger sister who is legally blind and non-verbal.
“I take her to school every day. I wake up early and make sure she gets to school on time. And I help her with daily things like feeding getting dressed and small stuff like that," Chisholm said.
Dr. Connie Siskowski is the president of the organization. She said teens between the ages of 11 and 18 help family members get through the day.
"So they help with bathing, feeding, with giving medications, with helping them with mobility, with going to the bathroom, with household chores," Siskowski said.
According to the organization, more than 290,000 youth in Florida are youth caregivers.
For more information about the American Association of Caregiving Youth, click hereor call 561-391-7401.