The Honda Classic features many spots to watch all of the action.
But one of the most popular spots at the tournament is the Bear Trap - where fans flock to see one of the toughest stretches in all of golf.
One very special volunteer has a very special role in the stands.
He wields a lot of power with just 4 small words - 'Quiet Please, Thank You!'
When he speaks, you should probably listen.
Meet volunteer Mark Zembrowski, AKA the voice of the 17th hole.
"One year, one of the golfers, Lee Westwood named me that because I quiet the crowd down when they're ready to putt."
Having to quiet a golf crowd may sound unnecessary, but this is the 'Bear Trap' we're talking about.
"Friday afternoon and especially on the weekends, it gets pretty wild," he says. "The alcohol takes over late afternoons."
An avid golfer himself, he knows how important his role is.
"If a guy is in second or third place and he misses a putt because of the noise, it could cost him a few hundred thousand dollars," Mark says.
Fans understand and appreciate what he does - for the most part.
"One day I yelled and a guy was drinking his drink, and he dropped it all over him and he got all mad," Mark recalls. "I thought he was going to hit me."
So if you stop by this Honda Classic weekend, don't be afraid to say hi - just make sure you use your inside voice, please.