Volunteers have been carefully measuring ingredients to bake pumpkin bread. Betty Fiebig, a volunteer said, "We start with floor and sugar and baking soda and cinnamon and applesauce and pumpkin."
They are the perfect ingredients to make the holidays special for those in need. Fiebig organizes the pumpkin bread project through Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach Gardens. "The meals go to the less fortunate in the area of Palm Beach County. There are many people in Palm Beach County who are hurting," she says.
Once the ingredients are measured out, volunteers bake the pumpkin bread. Then a different group of volunteers sit for hours wrapping it.
Andrea Day is also a volunteer. "If I can do something small like wrap pumpkin bread or participate in make a meal, or work at soup kitchens, whatever I can do, to love on those who have less than me, I want to be able to be a part of that," Day says.
A year ago, my friend Andrea Day told me about the pumpkin bread project. It didn't take long before I joined her pumpkin bread friends.
Fiebig said not only do volunteers help those in need, but they make new friendships with the other volunteers, "They enjoy the fellowship they have coffee and treats and as they sit around wrapping the pumpkin bread they talk to each other."
The goal at the end of a few weeks is to bake and wrap 76,000 pieces of pumpkin bread. Almost 100 volunteers make it a reality.
Day said, "I really, really truly believe that this is the community that I live in. And for me that's not just being a part of my kids' school and doing sports or going to the grocery store. But giving back to my community."
Betty Fiebig also volunteers at a soup kitchen on a monthly basis.