

Downtown Stuart copes with algae during holiday weekend


Blue-green algae was on the minds of thousands on the Treasure Coast this holiday weekend. 

Musician Zack Jones lives to perform any weekend, but especially for the Fourth of July. But on Saturday, he let folks know he wasn't too thrilled.

RELATED: More toxic water coverage | MAP: Algal blooms in Florida

Jones is feeling the effects of the green slime after two of his gigs were canceled this weekend.

"Nobody wants to have their private party on a nasty beach," says Jones.

That kind of mindset is felt by many in Stuart.

"What's so pleasant about being in a place that's contaminated. It's not fun," says Alan Garner of Palm City.

Instead of discussing holiday plans, everyone wants to talk about the algae, who's to blame, and what should be done.

"A lot of talking, a lot of buzz about the water," says Derek Youngblood, manager at The Sneaki Tiki.

Youngblood said he has had a steady crowd, however business was down at least on Saturday.

"It shouldn't be the focus on such an important holiday," said Youngblood.