There is a noticeable change in Austin Harrouff between the earliest jailhouse calls and the most recent.
RELATED: More coverage of the Austin Harrouff case
In some of the most recent ones, he appears to be making odd noises and sounds, something he didn’t do during the earlier calls.
Harrouff is the teenager accused of ambushing and killing Martin County couple John Stevens and Michelle Mishcon last year.
Deputies found him chewing on the flesh of one of the victims.
Wednesday, prosecutors released dozens of his jailhouse calls that have now been entered into evidence.
In the first several calls, he’s often crying and expressing concern about his future.
“It just sucks,” said Austin. “I just want to be a normal kid again.” You can hear him tell his father.
However, he’s still able to keep up normal conversation, often making small talk, like in this call where he’s talking to his dad about exercise and diet.
“That would be good for you because then you’re not getting all the calories throughout the day and once you get used to it. It’s easy,” said Austin.
But in the later calls, there’s a noticeable change. You can hear Austin appear to be making odd noises and sounds.
Harrouff’s attorneys are on the record saying he suffers from mental illness.
Toxicology results show he was not on any mind-altering drugs at the time of the killings.
His next court date is in July.