

West Palm Beach city leaders toughening rules for downtown bars


City leaders in West Palm Beach want to keep downtown bars in check.

They're putting tougher rules in place for owners that want to sell alcohol after midnight.

The new rules center around noise complaints. If a bar has several citations within 30 days, the city can revoke a places ability to sell alcohol after midnight.

Keith Zlomsowitch opened his bar earlier this year. He noticed the city cracking down on noise violations. So he monitors the decibel levels frequently.

"Make sure we are in compliance," Zlomsowitch said.

The city started issuing fines if levels were over 85 decibels.

Bars are allowed to sell alcohol after midnight with an extended hours permit.

Now if a business has a high number of police calls or noise violations, the city can revoke that permit.

City Manager Jeff Green says it's all about reducing issues at downtown bars.

"The ones we've had problems with, we wanted to have as many ways to ensure their compliance as we have," says Green.

One bar owner we spoke with fears the city will be too selective with their enforcement.

However Keith says it's good for downtown, "It was put in place for a reason and I think it's good for all businesses along Clematis."