

Thousands participate in Autism Speaks Walk

Posted at 10:53 AM, Mar 06, 2016
and last updated 2019-02-13 11:58:14-05

A record ten-thousand people walked for autism at the annual Autism Speaks Walk in West Palm Beach Sunday morning.

During the event, teams and participants walk 0.68 of a mile, representing the one every 68 children diagnosed with autism.

65 schools from across Palm Beach County gathered teams for the walk. Many advocacy groups and families also brought out large groups.

Parents of children on the spectrum say the walk is a way to meet and bond with families dealing with similar challenges.

"Connect with other families, and meet other people and see what everybody in the community's willing to do together when we all come together as a family," said Mollie Ryckman, whose daughter is on the spectrum.

Money raised at the walk goes toward funding scientific research and advocacy for people and families affected by autism.