

Construction waiting game at Alexander Lofts


Residents at Alexander Lofts and employees waiting to get back into the law office building next door say they're still unsure when work will be finished removing the remainder of bad bricks from the Alexander Lofts building in downtown West Palm Beach.

Construction crews are currently working on covering the law office with a wooden roof that will protect the building when more bricks are knocked off of the  building next door. Crews say the earliest they may begin knocking the bricks off is Thursday.

Meanwhile, Alexander Lofts residents say they're tired of the scaffolding and construction equipment surrounding their building.

"It's not attractive at all," said Isaiah McQueen, who lives in the building. "I bring guests here, and it's a little weird."

McQueen says property managers have regularly sent out email updates since the bricks fell at the beginning of March, but there hasn't been any indication of when the work is expected to be finished.

Another resident, Krystal Carrara says parking is also an issue. She says the residents' lot is unsafe to use because of the construction.

"They've just said just park in the city garages, we'll reimburse you," Carrara said.

West Palm Beach city engineers had to do an inspection before clearing any residents back into the building. Spokesman for the city, Elliot Cohen, says they'll follow the same process before William W. Price Law Office employees are allowed back into their building.

Cohen says city engineers are unsure of a timeline of when that will be, however. He says it all depends on how long the construction company hired by the apartment building's property management company takes to remove the rest of the dangerous bricks.