

Pictures of sleeping West Palm officers?

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The West Palm Beach Police Department is conducting an investigation after photos that appear to show two of its officers asleep on the job were posted on Facebook.

The post, on the Anonymous Palm Beach County Facebook page, claims the officers were asleep on duty at Tamarind Ave. and Okeechobee Blvd. near downtown. The post was published on May 18 at 12:06 p.m.

But whether or not the officers were actually sleeping, it appears these photos were taken years ago.

A preliminary review of the photographs revealed they are at least 5 years old, according to police spokesperson Det. Lori  Colombino.

The cars in the pictures are older models, she said. And she pointed out that the officers are wearing patrol uniforms, and neither one has worked in that unit for years.

Colombino identified the officers as Russell Lobdell and Raymond Spinosa. Lobdell has been with the department since 1996 and Spinosa since 2001.

Regardless of the circumstances, Colombino confirmed to WPTV that "there is an administrative investigation surrounding the circumstances depicted in the photographs."