

Perry Cohen's father wants phone records too

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The father of one of the missing teens who disappeared while boating last summer is fighting for copies of any information recovered from an iPhone found on their vessel.

Phil Cohen filed a motion saying he wants all of the information his ex-wife, Pamela Cohen is getting.

Pamela Cohen filed suit last week after the boat Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen were on had been found off of the coast of Bermuda and Austin's phone was recovered. Pamela asked a judge to have Apple recover and share any information on Austin's iPhone related to the boys' disappearance. The judge agreed to do so.

Now, a motion from Gary Farmer, Phil Cohen's attorney, says Pamela doesn't want to share the information with her ex-husband.

Missing Florida teens: Full coverage

In a statement, Farmer said:

"Mr. Cohen just wants answers about what happened to his son. This has been an extremely difficult and trying year for Mr. Cohen. We hope the information obtained in the coming weeks will give him and everyone else involved some peace and closure."

Pamela Cohen's attorney, Guy Rubin says any claims that Perry's mother is opposed to her ex-husband receiving the phone records are false. He says after Phil Cohen's attorney filed the motion, both parties' attorneys spoke and cleared the air.

Rubin released this statement:

"Neither Pamela Cohen nor Rubin & Rubin have ever opposed or refused Perry’s biological father the right to participate in getting access to iPhone information that could help explain what happened to Perry and Austin. We all have a compelling interest in pursuit of the truth and investigating every viable lead."

According to Rubin, Phil Cohen will have to go through the same legal practice as Pamela Cohen to gain access to anything found on Austin's iPhone.

Apple currently has the iPhone. Experts are working on recovering calls, texts, photos and anything else that could help explain the boys' disappearance.