

From Manalapan to West Palm Beach, meeting between world superpowers leaves major local impact


From the streets of Manalapan, to the sidewalks of West Palm Beach, the meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump made an impact on our area. 
For driver Michael Semler and others, it meant a little more time spent in traffic as President Xi's motorcade drove through West Palm Beach.

“It’s a little inconvenient now and then, like today,” Semler says. “We grew up in Washington DC, so the motorcades are part of life there, now they're part of life here."

Over in Manalapan, the impact for many was on the bottom line. 
Some businesses shut up shop for part of the visit.
“Yesterday, I closed a half day…just because I saw 35 sheriffs in riot gear,” says Jay Giragos with John G’s.
Giragos says he lost business, but isn't too concerned. 
“I think it was great,” he says. “Two major presidents in our area, right next door.”
At the nearby Ice Cream Club, in the shadow of the Eau resort where President Xi stayed, scoops were handed out in spades. 
“We have a lot of repeat customers, but nothing like the last few days,” says manager Tara Skrecz. “Very peaceful and quiet and very kind…it was fun.”
The visit left an impact, as others were looking to make one themselves. 
For a second day in a row those rallying against alleged religious persecution in China hope the demonstrations made an impression on President Xi.
“Now he's here in the US, the free country,” says protestor Chain Cosgrove. “So we have the opportunity to give him the message.”