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Read for the Record aims at encouraging literacy

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Millions across the country tried to break a new world record Thursday by taking part in Read for the Record.

The annual campaign was launched over a decade ago to highlight the importance of building early literacy and language skills for every child.

The Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County says knowing how to read before the third grade is critical because after third grade you need to be able to read to learn.

CEO Kristin Calder says reading with your children is the best way to motivate them to read on their own.

“We say that the best way for a child to want to read is to see their parent or caregiver reading, getting excited about reading, because they want to know what’s so good," Calder said.

Experts say repetition is important. The more you read, the better you get. It is also recommended that you allow your children to choose what to read so that they are engaged and eager to pick up a book. 

5 Reading Tips for Parents:

Provided by the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County

· Boost Brainpower by making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and starts the day with a nutritious breakfast that will give him or her fuel to last until lunchtime. A set bedtime schedule and nutritious meals will help your child feel rested, alert and ready to learn.

· Visit Your Child’s School and become involved with school activities whenever possible. This will show your child that you are interested in the social aspect of his or her life at school as well as their academic performance. Involvement in school presents opportunities of partnership with your child’s teacher(s) where both of you are working toward the best interest of your child.

· Keep Books Everywhere to Emphasize Reading. Making books a part of everyday activities adds to your child being familiar with books and encourages everyday reading. Entice your child to read by having a large selection of books and magazines at their reading level throughout the home, in the car, and ready to take everywhere. According to the Family Education Network, children with a large array of reading materials in their homes score higher on standardized tests.

· Set Learning Goals by discussing with your child what he or she would like to accomplish during the upcoming school year. Helping your child set goals helps him or her develop the valuable skill of goal setting. For example, if your child struggles with reading fluently, discuss how you can work together on specific strategies to help him or her become a more fluent reader such as reading the same books over and over again.

· Create a Media Plan with your child. Agree on the appropriate use of the various forms of media that will support academic goals as well as enhance your child’s daily life.