

Former FBI agent on Clinton emails review

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The Presidential Election got an unexpected twist less than two weeks before November 8.

FBI Director James Comey announced they had discovered additional emails linked to Hillary Clinton's private server.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid claims Comey violated the Hatch Act with his announcement saying he broke the law.

Former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan says Comey was put in a no-win situation.

He says the FBI may have discovered relevant information that may impact Clinton and Comey thought it would be better to deal with it now rather than after Election Day.

Kaplan believes Comey wrestled with how to handle the discovery for days if not weeks as agents can't instantaneously discover emails.

"Jim Comey did not wake up on Friday morning deciding to write this letter. This has been something that he has probably been vacillating with for a very long time since the conclusion of the Congressional hearings going on back in July," says Kaplan.

Kaplan says its nearly impossible to complete the review before Election Day.