

Ted Cruz drops out of presidential race

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Following a crushing loss in Indiana Tuesday, Ted Cruz announced in Indianapolis that he is suspending his campaign for president of the United States. This leaves Donald Trump as the clear front-runner to take the Republican Party's nomination. 

"Thank you to each of you incredible patriots," Cruz said. "From the beginning I said that I would continue as long as there was a viable path to victory. Tonight it appears that path has been foreclosed."

John Kasich remains in the race, but is well behind Trump in the delegate count. Kasich told members of the media on Tuesday that he is not planning on dropping out. 

Cruz's announcement comes less than a week following announcing former candidate Carly Fiorina would join his campaign as his running mate. The Fiorina pick came just hours after Cruz was demolished by Trump in five northeastern states. 

"We came together as fellow Warriors in a cause to save the soul of our party, the character and the future of our nation. And that cause continues," Fiorina said. 

Trump came into Tuesday's primary with 1002, delegates, while Cruz had just 565. Going into the New York Primary on April 19, he was just 200 delegates behind Trump. After dominating wins in six states plus Indiana, Cruz opted to exit the presidential race. 

"When we launched this campaign 13 months, ago, we saw a movement grow. The pundits said this was hopeless we had 300,000 volunteers across the nation, over 1.5 million contributions averaging about $60 each," Cruz said. 

Following the Indiana primary, there are still nine state races remaining, including the state of California.