WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — In what may be a foreshadowing of the 2024 presidential election, Air Force One and former President Donald Trump's private jet sat within feet of each other Tuesday on the tarmac at Palm Beach International Airport.
President Joe Biden arrived at PBIA just before 12:45 p.m. for a pair of campaign fundraising events at the Pelican Club in Jupiter, and then later in Miami.

Once Air Force One landed, it wheeled into a spot very close to Trump's personal plane, which bears a massive "TRUMP" logo on the side and has become a common fixture at PBIA now that the former president spends a majority of his time at his Mar-a-Lago property on Palm Beach.
It's unclear if Trump was in South Florida on Tuesday.

Biden is zeroing in on an expected rematch against Trump after last week's New Hampshire primaries, eager to sharpen the contrast with his predecessor.
"It is now clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee. And my message to the country is the stakes could not be higher," Biden said hours after Trump's victory in the New Hampshire primary on Jan. 23.
Trump's team largely agreed, even as he raged about former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley's unwillingness to leave the race altogether.
Haley, who is set to visit South Florida on Wednesday, has vowed to continue fighting Trump for the GOP nomination, even with the prospect looming of an embarrassing home-state primary defeat in South Carolina on Feb. 24.