VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WTKR/CNN) - A U.S. Postal Service employee in Virginia is facing charges after taking mail to a personal storage unit instead of delivering it, according to federal documents.
According to the documents, Jason Delacruz rented a unit for $49 a month and when he could not finish his mail route, he would drop off the undelivered mail there.
He was charged with delay in mail delivery by a postal employee. Delacruz plead guilty.
Delacruz said he takes full responsibility for the crime. He says that at first, he intended to deliver the mail when he had time, but he got overwhelmed and fell behind.
Authorities found almost 5,000 pieces of mail at the storage unit. The undelivered mail was mostly advertisements, but also included letters from the Department of Motor Vehicles, insurance companies and the IRS.
Court documents reveal that he did not steal the mail and the mail eventually got sent out, but expired advertisements were thrown away.
Delacruz is expected to be sentenced on Feb. 20.
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