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Ohio man paints giant Trump campaign sign on his lawn

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An Ohio man has gotten the attention of President Trump for what he has on his lawn.

A few weeks ago, J.R. Majewski transformed his lawn into a giant campaign sign for President Trump.

He used environmental friendly paint and covered his grass with the same design that's used on many of the president's re-election signs.

His actions caught the attention of the president who called him, "a great air force veteran" who did a "beautiful job turning his lawn into a giant sign."

The mural took about 100 hours to design and another 50 to actually paint.

He recently held a party, and knew not all of his friends are supporters of the president, so Majewski erected a small sign with the message, "yes, we support Trump, and yes, we can be friends even if you don't."

That positive message seems to have won friends.

Donations are now coming in for Majewski to buy more paint and keep his yard looking fresh-- all the way until election day.

"We had an Independence Day party here and I made sure there were going to be people here who I knew don't support President Trump. And I'm certainly okay with that. And so we put signs up in the yard that said, 'yes, I support President Trump but yes, we can still be friends even if you don't. I think that's one of the things that is missing right now in our society is people take political affiliation and they use that as an end all or a point of conflict when it should really be a point of dialogue and conversation and understanding. I'm trying to reintroduce that back into the small network or the network of people I associate with," he said.