

Mother marries daughter, both arrested


(KFOR, CNN NEWSOURCE) Dressed alike in Superman shirts, mother and daughter are booked into the Stephens County Jail.

Patricia and Misty Spann married earlier this year.

A DHS and police investigation revealed this pair is actually mother and daughter; blood relatives somehow married in Comanche County.

Patricia Spann lost custody of Misty and two other children when they were young.

They were adopted by their grandmother.

Patricia Spann insisted to investigators she didn't have contact with her kids until two years ago. And when she reunited with Misty Span, her daughter, "they hit it off."

Paige Watson knew misty Spann from high school. "When I went to school with her, she had a girlfriend, and they both worked at Sonic."

Neighbors say the Spanns are new to the block.

Court records show an annulment between Patricia Spann and her son in 2010.

They were married for two years.

Bond was set at $10 thousand each for the Spanns.

District Attorney Jason Hicks told me it's one of the most bizarre cases he's seen in his career.

In Oklahoma, incest is a felony and those convicted can be punished up to 10 years in prison.