SAVANNAH, Ga. — SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC/CNN) - A toddler was reunited Saturday at the Savannah Airport with a special doll that she recently lost.
The doll is what is called a "Daddy Doll," which is meant for children in families that cannot always be together.
In this case, 18-month-old Kenley Britton’s father is deployed overseas. It not only has a picture of her father but also features a recording of his voice.
“In the middle of the night when she wakes up, she’ll play it and it kind of helps calm her down and put her back to sleep,” said Kenley’s mother Arielle.
The doll got lost as Kenley and her mom, Arielle, were traveling from Connecticut to Florida, and it was lost on one of their planes.
Arielle posted on Facebook, asking if anyone has seen the "Daddy Doll."
Valeria Zamora and Sheila Jones are both Delta customer service agents known as "Red Coats." They say Delta made it their mission to track down the little girl's doll.
“Once we had heard that, the Delta people across the system rallied together to locate this doll and because it was so special we didn’t feel like mailing it was the right thing to do," Zamora and Jones said.
They ended up finding the doll in Atlanta, which was hand-delivered to the child in Savannah.
"We were just thankful and blessed to see how everybody came together, especially this day and age. Social media can be used for such terrible things, and everybody used it for good," said Arielle Britton.
Arielle said that Delta even had a plan to ship a recorder overseas to her husband to replace the doll, if needed.
Courtesy WTOC via CNN Newsource