

House divided: She's voting for Hillary - he's voting for Trump

How the 2016 election is impacting relationships
and last updated
It's been an election season like no other, with two of the most unpopular candidates running for the highest office.
The 2016 decision is not just dividing the country into Democrats and Republicans but it's also dividing families and tearing friendships apart. 
This year's election is hitting close to home for the Brockmans in Delray Beach. 
“We’ve been married for 52 years,” said Roni Brockman.
For Arnold and Roni Brockman, it was love at first sight.
“We had four dates in two weeks and then we were engaged,” Roni said. 
They're both registered Democrats and have always seen eye to eye on politicis. But that changed. 
“I’m voting for Hillary,” Roni said. 
“And I’m voting for Trump,” Arnold said. 
They have a strategy to avoid controversy.  
“We don’t talk about politics,” Roni said. 
But their two sons are not sticking to that rule. 
“There was pleading," Arnold said. "Especially from my younger son in New York saying: “You gotta be out of your mind”. 
It's not the first time Arnold has voted for a Republican candidate and it's not the first time he and his wife have voted for a different candidate. But then Trump happened. 
“I don’t think it’s been an issue for most of our marriage until this election,” Arnold said. 
“I was a little surprised that he would vote for Trump,” Roni said. 
Arnold said he tries to avoid brining up politics in general these days. 
“I don’t want to lose you as a friend so all bets are off we don’t talk about the election," Arnold said. 
Despite a heated political climate, the Brockmans are hanging in there and neither of them has to sleep on the couch.  
But they said, they're counting the days until election day. 
“It can’t be over soon enough,” Arnold said.  
“Because life will go on after the election regardless of who wins,” Roni said.