(WFLA, NBC NEWSCHANNEL) Kendra Francois used to live in Florida, but has lived in Haiti for the past 30 years as a missionary. This year she was diagnosed with Zika.
She says mosquito control in Haiti is unreliable, causing her to contract Zika and start experiencing symptoms in January.
"I couldn't do anything, I felt like an old lady. I really did," said Francois. "It was painful to walk, painful to hold anything and just to do everyday things, it was very uncomfortable."
It took her a while to recover, continuing to feel weak for months, but she doesn't believe people should panic about Zika; instead, she says, they should just be alert and cautious.
Mosquitoes have been blamed for 15 non-travel related infections in Florida, and health officials are warning pregnant women to avoid travel to the Miami area.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2ayuQu8