

Happy Meal bought 6 years ago still looks edible

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A woman in Alaska says a Happy Meal she bought six years ago still looks almost good enough to eat.

According to Jennifer Lovdahl, she said it was part of an experiment to determine how durable McDonald's food really is. 

She said she let the meal sit around without disturbing it and recently uploaded the photos to Facebook.

In a Facebook post, Lovdahl said the food was "sitting at our office this whole time and has not rotted, molded, or decomposed at all!!! It smells only of cardboard."

Fast-forward six years later, and the nuggets and small fries are still looking pretty fresh.

Courtesy: Wochit News via AOL Network

It's been 6 years since I bought this "Happy Meal" at McDonald's. It's been sitting at our office this whole time and...

Posted by Jennifer Lovdahl on Wednesday, February 3, 2016